May Day, a provocation

I’m happy to be part of Kel Portman’s May Day project, an assemblage of artists’ work made on 1 May 2024.

I made a ritual sea swim with women from Granton, Edinburgh then walked from Granton to Portobello

Inspired by Kel’s prompts, I had researched the goddesses associated with this time of year and incorporated them in my words and images.

Mayday Walking
Though Floralia dawned turquoise and pink, the haar cloaked us in grey.
wearing wreaths of bluebell and campion, we swam in the lace-edged estuary,
Flora, goddess of flowers, Aphrodite,
subtle of soul and deathless, of dove and seashells,
And Àine, the radiant.
Convinced that the sea is a restless woman and she an ordinary person,
She circled from home seeking celandine and comfrey in the hedgerows,
Smell of coconutty gorse and scent of scorched air,
By Stedfastgate, through The Quilts,
Collecting hearts as she went.
Love walked behind her, not quickly following,
Venus, didn’t catch her up.
Kneeling by the water where the stones were stacked,
Nut, sky goddess of the four directions, poured libation,
Isis, her daughter, offered healing,
And Wingéd Ma’at stood for justice, incandescent.
A haar is a sea fog
'subtle of soul and deathless' is taken from Sappo’s Ode to Aphrodite
'a restless woman' comes from ‘Hagstone’ by Sinead Gleeson
Nut is an Egyptian sky goddess
Isis is Nut’s daughter, invoked in healing spells to benefit ordinary people

With thanks to Natalie Taylor @natalietaylorartist

With me, Suze Adams, Sabine Crittall, Jaqui Stearn, Amanda Couch, Kate Roberts, Therese Livonne and Kel Portman